Rules Of Engagement

Part of being a follower of Light is to set higher standards for oneself than is expected of the enemy. These rules of engagements set out the standards expected of a Disciple in a combat situation.

  1. The primary objective of these rules is to protect the lives of allies and innocents, including innocents of enemy societies where such societies include innocents. There are considered to be no innocents amongst the Scourge and Burning Legion. There are innocents within the Horde.
  2. The secondary objective of these rules is to treat enemy combatants with honour and fairness.
  3. The primary objective supersedes the secondary objective. To enter battle with a reduced force in order to "give the enemy a fair chance" is to jeopardise the primary objective. Swift, decisive battles lead to fewer casualties amongst allies and innocents.
  4. The Scourge and the Burning Legion may be attacked on sight.
  5. Other enemies, including the Horde, should not be engaged except under the following circumstances.
    • As part of an offensive combat mission under military orders
    • Where there is a direct threat to the life of allies or innocents
    • In an area close to Alliance habitation, including temporary campsites
  6. Except as noted below, a warning is to be issued before battle is joined. This warning shall take the form of "Alliance Troops. Halt or I attack", and should be accompanied with a clear hand gesture indicating that the enemy should halt.
  7. No warning need be given under the following circumstances.
    • During an offensive combat mission
    • Where the enemy is already engaged in combat with allies or innocents
    • Where the threat to allies or innocents is so immediate that lives might be endangered while the warning is being issued.
  8. A warning should be followed up with an instruction to leave the area. This instruction should be accompanied by a hand gesture.
  9. Once battle has been joined, no futher warnings are required.
  10. Should an enemy be slain in battle, and subsequently be restored to life by some mystical or magical means, the enemy should be given the opportunity to leave the scene of battle except when:
    • Other enemy combatants continue to fight
    • The enemy is recognised as being Wanted by Alliance authorities
    • The enemy has slain friendly combatants, in which case it is permitted to slay a total of three times after the last friendly combatant slain
  11. It is not permitted to remain in the area of a fallen enemy for longer than five minutes for the sole purpose of exacting further punishment. It should be noted, however, that protection of innocents in the vicinity of the battle is a valid reason to remain in the area..