Promotion Requirements from 2012 to 2013

These are the current promotion requirements in effect. Note that these can be subject to change as the leadership of the Disciples of Light deem fit. Though the leadership tends to notify their members of any changes, it is recommended they check out the requirements prior requesting a promotion.

Promotion Requirements from OOC Member to Novice

  • Pass the IC interview
  • Have an OOC application on the forums approved

Promotion Requirements from Novice to Initiate

  • Spend at least one week as a Novice
  • Take part in a training session relating to moving as a unit, covering walking and riding a mount at the walk in formation, and running and galloping without becoming isolated
  • Take part in a classroom training session relating to the guild organisation, ending with an around-the-class quiz
  • Take part in a classroom training session relating to the Disciples' Code of Conduct, ending with an around-the-class quiz
  • Complete one of the following, relating to the Virtue of Respect
    • EITHER Take part in a classroom training session discussing the nature of Respect, leading to the class coming up with an event idea which is then carried out afterwards.
    • OR Take part in an non-training event that is deemed to demonstrate respect, and attend a classroom training session event afterwards to discuss how the event reflected the Virtue of Respect.
  • Complete one of the following, relating to participation in battle
  • Show no major deviations from the Three Virtues of Respect, Tenacity and Compassion, or the Disciples' Code of Conduct, within the one week prior to promotion

Promotion Requirements from Chevalier to Gallant

  • Spend at least one month as Chevalier
  • Own a gryphon and be able to ride it
  • Take part in class room training session on Light and Lore and pass an individual formal test afterwards.
  • Take part in a classroom training session event discussing the nature of Tenacity, leading to an extended event demonstrating the Virtue of Tenacity lasting a weekend or longer.
  • Complete one of the following, relating to participation in battle
    • EITHER Take part in an Alterac Valley battleground as part of a guild group led by an officer
    • OR Complete the following achievement:
  • Take part in a first aid training session, involving elementary medical activities
  • Show no major deviations from the Three Virtues of Respect, Tenacity and Compassion, or the Disciples' Code of Conduct, within the two weeks prior to promotion

Requirements for promotion from Gallant to Knight of the Knowledge Chapter

  • Spend at least one month as Gallant
  • Own a flying mount and be able to ride it in Northrend
  • Defeat at least one Cataclysm Heroic Boss
  • Pass Grade 3 Light and Lore test
  • Complete a task to demonstrate the virtue of Compassion
  • Show no deviations from the Three Virtues of Respect, Tenacity and Compassion, or the Disciples' Code of Conduct, within the month prior to promotion
  • Obtain Knight Lieutenant's Shoulders of a type appropriate to class
  • Attend at least six events that have been based upon the teachings of the Holy Light/First Aid/Lore
  • Hold a Holy Mass, open for both the Order and the Public. Should contain an opening, a theme, one self-written prayer and blessings at the end
  • Write a small piece about the Three Virtues from his/her own point of view, stating clearly that he/she understands their meaning and what they mean to the him/her. This will then be published in the Cathedral's public library. (To be written in the Guild wiki and also published in the unofficial Defias Brotherhood RP forums)
  • Show that he/she can heal smaller wounds or/and aid by passing an IC practical test that will be overviewed by an educated Aider/Healer

Requirements for promotion from Gallant to Knight of the Arms Chapter

  • Spend at least one month as Gallant
  • Own a flying mount and be able to ride it in Northrend
  • Defeat at least one Cataclysm Heroic Boss
  • Pass Grade 3 Light and Lore test
  • Complete a task to demonstrate the virtue of Compassion
  • Show no deviations from the Three Virtues of Respect, Tenacity and Compassion, or the Disciples' Code of Conduct, within the month prior to promotion
  • Obtain Knight Lieutenant's Shoulders of a type appropriate to class
  • Take part in at least three patrols and one other military operation
  • Pass an oral test relating to Rules of Engagement and Patrol Standing Orders
  • Defeat an opponent nominated by the examiner in single combat OR (if a healer or pure ranged DPS) defeat an opponent nominated by the examiner with the examiner
  • Complete the following achievements: