Lars Milden

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Lars Milden was born some twenty years ago in Westfall to the farmers Henrik and Emma Milden. His parents were loving, but the land was not. Lars would work hard to squeeze every inch of fertility out of the harsh landscape, early realizing that nothing worth having is simple to get.

Before joining the Disciples of Light

The Defias had become a prominent figure in Westfall as Lars entered his adulthood years. The bandits would come to the farm from time to time, and whilst some of them could be persuaded by words of sense, some had to be ended by blade. It pained Lars to slay these men and women, thinking that they were nothing more than unfortunate souls.

Lars soon met Patricia, someone who would become a close friend to him. Patricia had been captured by the ever-growing Defias Brotherhood, a situation which Lars managed to save her from. The two of them would do mostly anything together, but their relationship was not one of love and lust, they were friends.

Northrend War

As the assault upon Northrend began, Henrik, Lars and Patricia were sent out to do their duty. Patricia and Lars ended up on guard duty in Valiance Keep, a duty which Lars gave a warm greeting to. His warmness would soon be replaced by a biting chill, as one of the most terrible nights in his life grew closer.

It was an attack on their fortress. The scourge nerubians emerged from the ground and swarmed upon the stationed forces. They were forced to go out and meet them, as the ranged attacks from the spiders would tear the keep apart. Many a man and spider were ended, and Lars kept up. For a man who had only been shooing away bandits up until now, he was doing quite well. That luck was about to run out. One of the claw shaped legs of a Crypt Lord shot through his back.

He woke up a few weeks later in an infirmary bed. The first thing he was told was that he something almost miraculous must have saved him. The second thing he found out was that Patricia was no more.

Dismissal from Duty

Lars was no longer fit to fight in the war. Even though very few troops could be spared, her was sent home. On the way to the ship he recieved a missive. Henrik, his father, had also passed away in the war. With what power he had left within him he tried to remain strong. Perhaps seen as cold to the outside, he was filled with sorrow inside.

Back in Stormwind, Lars made an effort to get back to Westfall quickly. He would tell his mother what had happened, try and comfort her and then get back to the farming life. I am sure that his father would like him to keep the farm in a good state after all the work he had put into it.

When he entered Westfall, he noticed that not much had changed. But when he came back to the farm in which he was born and raised, he noticed that it was no longer a house more than a pile of ashes on a stone foundation. Inside the house, he found out that he no longer had any parents.

On that day, Lars decided to help others, perhaps in hopes to prevent something like this to happen to someone else, perhaps to find a new family. Once in Stormwind, he found the Disciples of Light.

Lars as a Disciple of Light


Coming soon!